terrshee's Diaryland Diary


The Sundress of Anticipation

Yesterday I bought a sundress in anticipation of a vacation more than 6 months away. Is this good planning (since it will then be the dead of winter and this is not an area where sundresses are regularly available at that time of year), an expression of desperation for wanting to be out of here, or just my A-R nature coming to the fore? Or was it just an excuse to buy a pretty dress on sale?

Why am I fussing? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Yesterday also brought the news that my boss is starting on his annual steak fest. He takes each one of us out to lunch separately to a restaurant he loves for its huge steaks and pseudo-power broker rep (its glory days are long past) and gives us what might be called a performance review, if in fact there were anything useful or objective about it.

For the next six weeks he will eat 20 oz portions of beef about twice a week followed by some appalling dessert. I exaggerate. Sometimes it will be a 5 pound lobster instead.

I like going out to lunch, and I like steak, but not in the gluttonous quantities that he seems to feel is necessary to mark the occasion.

I do not like feeling badgered by him (in the nicest possible way) for input on what to do next. It is an utterly fruitless exercise. And I can just feel my nice little knot of pent up resentments boiling to be unleashed on him.

Instead I will sit there in a place I do not love, trying to keep his enthusiasms in check while conveying that I am deeply unhappy, and wait to hear I am not getting a raise proportionate to my efforts. Bleh.

I've just returned two more movies unwatched from my Netflix queue. This is getting to be a habit. Isn't there anything out there I find amusing anymore?

7:08 a.m. - 2006-06-15


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