terrshee's Diaryland Diary


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It is kind of embarrassing to admit, but I signed up for a 3-month tour on e-harmony. All my disgustingly happily married friends have been a bad influence and made me starting thinking that being in a relationship again wouldn't be so bad.

I'd prefer to do the finding a date part on my own, but as I never get out anymore to venues where I might actually meet a single guy, it makes it kind of tough.

The problem is that I'm both a nerd and a picky one. I lack any real sophistication, my tastes are peculiar and particular, and I've never really lost being shy and unselfassured. Being well-traveled, well-read and smart (I just took an on-line IQ test to confirm this fact) doesn't necessarily make you a interesting person to be around.

Filling out the compatibility questionaires is a study in ambiguity, and I doubt I'm actually conveying who I am. The matches they've been coming up with seem to be proof. OK, so I think of myself as a spiritual person, but I sincerely question that I'd actually be comfortable dating a regular church goer. I can respect the beliefs, I just can't see having that kind of tension over a long time.

And why is it that guys emphasize "being fit" so much? Is it that they like exercise, don't want me to think they are fat, or is this some sort of code for "I don't have AIDS"?

And why is it that among the matches proposed so far not one has taken the next step in contacting me? Am I that unappealing, or is it that they don't want to deal with the disappointment of rejection any more than I do?

I have to wonder why I thought this might be a good idea in the first place. Maybe I should post my particulars in a more personal fashion. Wanted: Nice guy of a certain age who tends to Buddhist beliefs, is a lapsed SF fan, likes Contradance and English Country Dance and wouldn't mind learning a few ballroom steps, will watch martial arts movies, willing to make the occasional romantic gesture but respects the independence and emotional maturity of the woman in his life, is intellecutally curious and willing to put up with two indulged cats.

7:28 a.m. - 2005-05-18


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