terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Math Notions/Laurel Notions

I've got a notion that doesn't want to depart. Much as I am struggling with the algebra, last week the prof mentioned that, although it would be difficult, based on what we've covered and will cover this semester, it would be possible to test out of the next level of class.

I've communicated with my advisor and there is a CLEP test equivalent to the precalculus course I'm scheduled to take. So I think I'm going to try it. What is the worst that could happen? I'll be out a few dollars and a little wiser at to where my weak spots are. The best? I can go straight to intro to statistics and graduate in December (assuming I pass).

In spite of all my math fears, I am doing passably in the class. Not brilliantly, but well enough. And I am really good at standarized tests. So maybe, just maybe ... But now I have to face the study guide and learn how to use my graphing calculator. Ugh.

Am I a good Laurel or a bad Laurel? A conversation with Knitgeek got me thinking about how essentially selfish Laurels can be. In many ways we are seekers and even visionaries, which means we have very definite opinions as to what makes the SCA world right. And strangely, I think we have even more potential impact than the Knights or Pelicans because the direct impact of so much of what we do is tangible.

I remember the rise of the 15th century garb and accessories. It seemed that within the space of three Pennsics the overall look of many attendees achieved a quality and homogenity that was truly heartening to behold. It seemed to go hand-in-hand with tents and furnishings. The Elizabethan middle class fanatics did much the same thing.

Anyway, the point is that good Laurels can cause ripples that impact the whole society in a very visible way. I think that has been something I have struggled with since I became one. I prefer to think of myself as a lone scholar laboring away, but in fact what I do, say and publish does matter. Have to remember that next time I feel like shrugging off my responsibilities. I've gotten cynical and jaded, but I shouldn't let that be the impression others outside the order get.

10:07 a.m. - 2005-07-12


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