terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Creating Karma?

Last night was annual meeting night at the condo. What fun.

Actually it wasn't too bad as we couldn't have the annual election part of the meeting since we lacked a quorum.

However, we did have the homeowners' open discussion period.

I am once more wondering about a thing that has oft struck me before. Are there some people in the world for whom life is shyte because of their karma, or do they make life shyte for themselves by their attitude?

I've been to few enough meetings of the condo association, but this one woman always shows up and complains.

Her beefs seem legitimate enough, but she does seem plagued by petty neglect and indignities. She tries, she asks, and yet the world continues to fail her. Paint fades on her parking space number and people without the right permit rudely park there all the time and then the towing company doesn't remove the offender. Mud collects in her ground floor stairwell after it rains and the cleaning people fail to remove it. No one responds to her telephone calls for information, etc., etc.

Whether justified or not, the perpetual petulance is not attractive or sympathetic. I'm a bit sorry for her in a way that is neither kind nor helpful. It is my painful experience that by that time in life if you feel that routinely put-upon it is pretty much set in psyche-stone.

I fear when I encounter her the fixed polite smile takes over the lower part of my face and only civil blandness comes out of my mouth. I listen, I nod, I take my leave as soon as possible. I wonder what that sounds like in Latin? Anyway, she probably deserves better, but it is the best I can do.

And my downstairs neighbor asked me to run for the board. I am not worthy, in a real sense, but I considered it. But I think not. I have to focus on school for the next two months, and then Mom after that.

I had thought about doing the cap-n-gown march down the aisle to "Pomp and Circustance" in May, but then I read the brochure for the event. I am not sitting in the Comcast Arena for 2-1/2 hours listening to speeches and the call of the roll of graduates. Whatever I might have gained from observing the solemnities of the occasion would be lost to impatience and boredom. Maybe a nice cookout at the park across the street, but not the cook in the sun while I wait to get a blank piece of paper (the actual diplomas will be mailed out later).

1:19 p.m. - 2006-03-14


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