terrshee's Diaryland Diary



The Sears subcontractor saga drags on. I finally got in touch with the so-called Customer Service Rep who says she will call me back and almost never does. My paperwork has been forwarded to their legal office in Chicago. Doubtless they will instruct the locals to pay up, but yet another delay is sorely frustrating.

It seems that everything is sorely frustrating right now.

After few weeks of relative peace at work, my boss decided to replace a TV that was no longer working. The cacaphony is driving me insane. Ear plugs only help so much, and I really shouldn't wear them because I need to know what is going on in the office.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

I also have a lot of lingering anger about paying the bloody tax bill plus interest for the Town of Belmont. It ended up costing twice what I thought, and to the end they made it difficult. No one told me, but personal checks are not accepted. I had to get a snotty letter telling me my check wasn't good enough and go out and get a money order. I know ultimately it was the right thing to do, but I still resent the necessity and expense. I'm trying to view it as a sacrifice to the Gods of Bad New England Karma and hope they will leave me alone now.

In spite of my regular migraine I have to get the midterm exam done today. It should not be too tough or too long since it is open book, but it still requires the doing part.

Like all such things it is better when you just get it over with.

I had a delightful moment yesterday when the lovely Theo spotted me in a restaurant yesterday and gave me a warm hug. I needed it.

I also need Thai food. There's a little fabric shopping on my to-do list and I'm thinking a little trip to G Street Fabrics followed by lunch may be a Very Good Idea (TM).

A few weeks ago my Clan joined together to make music for a friend who had departed. It was recorded. I got my copy yesterday. In fact, it wasn't bad. We could blow out a dozen Sacred Harp songs without preparation in fairly good order and decent harmony.

But we are getting old. The songs we used to sing with humor now have a bittersweet sound. The quaint poetry of death and dying no longer evokes the same kind of humorous response. It is now much closer to our reality and the ranks for friends diminish. I don't think I'll watch it again.

7:57 a.m. - 2006-10-21


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