terrshee's Diaryland Diary


The Bleating Smoke Alarm Redux

The mystery of the bleating smoke alarm has been solved.

I thought I had managed to get the stupid thing turned off, but three nights ago at 2:00 a.m. it started up again, then stopped around the time my sleep alarm went off. Grrr.

Two nights ago same thing. More grrr.

So yesterday evening I got up on a ladder and refused to take no for an answer. I pried reluctant plugs out of sockets and forced it to give up its secrets.

Instead of being powered by wires from the ceiling (which I guess must go to the building fire alarm), it has a 9-volt battery.

It was an Eveready in a form I haven't seen for years. I doubt it has been changed since the place was built.

Fortunately I had a couple of the right size sitting in my battery drawer.

The bleating has mercifully stopped and hopefully will not recur for some time.

But there are three more alarms in the condo, and they are getting their batteries changed today.

I've lived there nearly two years and continue to discover stuff. How little we know about the structures in which we live.

More than errant smoke alarms has been keeping me awake the past few nights, but it hasn't really been a bad thing.

My overactive brain is fussing about some projects at work. And as often happens, a couple of O dark thirty revelations have occured.

For the first time in ages I have a clear plan on how to proceed. Better yet, a coworker has dummied up a presentation site that is semi-functional on the web and goes in the direction I'm headed. I'm not thrilled that he has made some decisions without consulting me and with consulting someone who has no clue about the realities of a web product and who has a huge ego involvement.

But said co-worker is taking the show up to the New York office next week and maybe he can persuade the Powers That Be to do some development where I have failed. I shall be disappointed that he'll get the credit, but it is more important to make it happen.

6:47 a.m. - 2006-10-27


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