terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Very Little Sleep

I am so tired. The wailing of The Mao periodically throughout the night is further distrubing my already problematic sleep patterns. I have made it into work by 6:00 a.m. the past two days just because there was no point in lying abed and trying to get back to sleep when the 4:00 a.m. lamentation started up.

On the plus side, I took the new kitty for her first visit to the vet yesterday and she is quite well other than needing to have her teeth cleaned soonish. The vet reassured me on The Mao and said to give her time. This morning I succeeded in luring her to the bottom of the steps for a snack which was interupted by the small gray one coming to see what was what. There was a bit of hissing and a hasty retreat on the part of the old one.

Yesterday I visited the G-I doc and he thinks my health problems are more likely gastric than gall bladder. He says don't take any more ibuprophen or naproxen, which stinks because they are the only OTC pain relievers which help certain other problems. I'm back on acid reduction medication (hopefully short term) to try to get my stomach lining to heal and he's checking for ulcers. Oh joy. At least they are treatable with anti-biotics. If that fails, then we go the endoscopy route. More joy.

And even more joy, I get to have a colonoscopy later this month. It seems that turning 50 is an automatic win in the perventive medicine lottery.

But this is all minor compared to my worries about my Mom. She met with her surgeon yesterday. I have no news yet. In an effort to give her a sense of control I'm trying to let her give me the news in her own time, but the uncertainty is a bit harrowing. This is my MOM after all. I'll call later this morning if my sister (who went with her) doesn't send out a bulletin soon.

It will all be ok; I just have to be patient. Oh, and I did go ahead and buy that cremains lot in the cemetary where a few of my family are buried. And I'm rather glad I did. It gives me a weird sense of connection with my home town and family. My metaphoric roots and literal ashes will eventually mingle. There's a poem in there somewhere.

7:27 a.m. - 2005-05-06


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