terrshee's Diaryland Diary


More Friday

I love cats, but I don't get 'em. You would think that Madame Mao would rejoice at the absence of Paddywhack today. But, no, she is hiding and looking at me with terror every time I'm anywhere near her. Suddenly I'm the enemy?

I haven't gotten as much work work done as I'd hoped, but at least the vacuuming is out of the way along with miscellaneous paperwork.

I'm also reconfiguring my home computer set up a bit. I've gotten spoiled at work with dual monitors, and have decided to add them at home, especially since I'm now set up to file news from here. Anyway, I've been trying to find the right adapter to get my second 15-pin monitor cable to fit into the 9-pin plug on the back of the box. No luck. In various searches, it seems my best bet is a Y-cable from the current monitor plug. So I've ordered one since it doesn't seem to be routinely stocked anywhere. I hope this works, 'cause I don't think I can return the extra one since it was on sales. BTW, anyone need a 15 inch flat panel that is about 4 years old and works fine? I decided I had to have a matching set on the news ones. ;-)

And today's odd observation was an obviously cool dude driving down the road in a Jaguar with the gas flap up. I was irresitably minded of the sharp dresser with a piece of toilet paper stuck to his/her shoe. How silly we all are.

Speaking of which, my Mom's TV is on the fritz and way too old to bother to fix it, but she can't bring herself to buy new. So I'm using it as an excuse to give her my perfectly good TV and get the longed-for flat panel yuppie model. I can also make the excuse that I need more room in the entertainment area, but the fact is I want one. The picture is just so much better. Time to keep an eye out for those sales!

2:39 p.m. - 2005-07-22


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