terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Disgruntled. Is It Possible to be Gruntled?

I had a strange moment this morning. I was listening to the news, and of course it is all about New Orleans, etc. I found myself wondering about what is going on in Iraq. Just last week I was carping because there wasn't anything going on other than Iraq. I was thinking there must be something else going on in the world. Now there is, and I'm nearly as tired of it. Does this kind of saturation coverage (no pun intended) make us more indifferent, resentful or just plain numb?

And, speaking of the news, I am alternately outraged at the people who wonder why the relief effort is slow to gear up and the relief effort organizers.

Moving tens of thousands of people is no joke even if the infrastructure was intact. Aside from finding the transport, you have to have somewhere to transport them to. I feel for their suffering and desperation, but there's only so much that can be done. It takes time. Think of what a single major accident can do to I-95 and apply your favorite exponent. But the reports of the extremely sick patients stuck at the hospitals ... Surely they would get priority?

Well, we should know from every other major disaster around the world that this kind of debacle happens in the aftermath. But of course, we're Muricans and this kind of crap doesn't happen to us. We're richer, smarter, better organized and our leaders are not corrupt opportunists. One out of four isn't bad.

I need to find my inner XY chromosone. House stuff is getting me down. I was trying to change a simple light fixture (the ugly one in the hallway finally got my sense of aesthetics). I've done this before. It should have been simple. But, no. I think I've found the solution (needed longer threaded rods than provided in the kit). But a guy would have instantly known what to do. I'll test my theory later today. Stay tuned for more frustration.

And now I have to talk to the heating/cooling salesperson from Sears. It is no obligation. That's not the point. Rather, how the devil am I to make the right decision? What do I know about this stuff? Oh well, it will be whatever it is going to be. I'm just not very confident about my decision making skills at the moment.

6:53 a.m. - 2005-09-02


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