terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Doom and Gloom

The Office Elf is going on strike and isn't going to be quiet about it. A simple stapler is the reason why.

Four people have to share one of the desks at a remote location. Which is fine. But I am continually irked by the fact that none of the others with whom I rotate coverage can be bothered to adapt to the fact that their habits aren't necessarily the same as others'.

Yesterday the stapler was empty. There are staples right there in the drawer, but could anyone be bothered to refill it? No. There are stacks of unstapled stuff sitting around like the stapler is going to magically refill itself.

My coworkers are nice people, but some of them are passive slobs in a lot of ways. They wait for someone else to do the recycling, clean the microwave, water the plants and change the water in the cooler. I'm tired of being the only one who will, therefore I am now the one who won't. Like they'll care.

The talk of rebuilding New Orleans has begun in earnest. Why do I feel like a cold bitch when all I can think is to save what can be saved, close off the environmental hazaards, break the levees and let nature take it back?

The location simply isn't geologically viable, and to rebuild there is only asking for more of the same at an even higher price tag. Sorry, but I don't want my tax dollars going to repeat folly.

I've been to New Orleans twice. I admit to its charms. I admit to its history. Mostly I admit to the trauma to people who will literally lose everything physcologically even if they get assistance and/or insurance money.

Ultimately I think it will be kinder to allow the evacuees to disperse, find new jobs and homes and start rebuilding their lives.

Then we need to turn our attention to the fact that we keep locating people in places that are beautiful but not viable. Like the increasing populations in the desert states who want green lawns and swimming pools. Like the coastlines where nature wants to erode them and men keep trying to pile up enough sand to stop it.

I don't think the U.S. can afford another of this kind of disaster, and considering the growing population, I think it may be inevitable. Has anyone noticed that we are on the verge of becoming a second class power mired in debt and ignorance?

Damn. I'm gloomy lately. I'll try to find something more cheerful to obsess about.

7:16 a.m. - 2005-09-08


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