terrshee's Diaryland Diary


A Good Smile Will Get You Extra Green Beans

My hair is down today, mostly because I washed it first thing this morning. Why is it that I always get lots of reaction to my down hair? Recently, I have attributed it to the "Holy Crap" factor of seeing me with serious blond highlights for the first time. But there seems to be something more to it. I guess I just so commonly tie up the mop to keep it out of my face that it is in fact something worth noting, at least at work.

I drove past a demolished shopping center the other day. The sign was still there. Why do the signs linger long after the product disappears? I used to pass a sign for Invader Motor Oil on the way to my grandparents place (and I thought it very funny as a child). I was driving in North Carolina to University and passed a rusty sign for Queen Bess Dairy. I guess it is the old version of dead hyperlinks.

My curse has been on overtime lately. It seems that every tourist in DC wants me to give them directions, explain with the White House is closed to tours or take a picture of them and their buddies. If there are 10 people standing on a corner to select from, the tourists zero in on me. I don't get it. I really don't.

Surpise! the Refi from Hell is dragging on. Everytime I think we're ready for closing, some other stupid impediment crops up. If it doesn't close this week, I think I'm going to declare it a loss and give up. I'm too tired of troubles to want to prolong this any more. I can hardly focus on what needs to be done, much less what needs to make life better. How fortunate I am that life is basically good to start with.

In preparing my emergency evacuation kit and plan, I keep contemplating how horrible it would be to try and do this for a family, and one of limited means. Is it any wonder the poorer Gulf Coast residents couldn't/wouldn't prepare? How many people can afford to stash some significant loose cash in a strong box and leave it? How many people have the storage space for sundries that are only for emergencies? When you have minimal possessions and little possibility of replacing them, how can you leave anything behind?

Nope, I'm one lucky soul to be able to be at least nominally prepared. My life isn't a game of basic survival that numbs preceptions of when an extraordinary situation occurs, so I can create the leisure and resources, and perhaps the conciousness, that lets me recognize an emergency.

And today I got extra green beans 'cause I smiled at the server in the cafeteria. I may no longer by young and comely, but a smile never hurts.

11:26 a.m. - 2005-09-14


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