terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Foil on My Brain

Aside from blocking out the transmissions from the space alien controlled government, wearing foil on your head can apparently get you a free burrito on occasion.

Last night I was preparing to perform my weekly ritual to make three hours of algebra endurable. I went to Chipotle to consume way too many yummy calories in the form of a number of foods that my nurse practitioner has told me I'm not supposed to eat.

I noticed that there appeared to be an even longer line than usual, and that the students in it were liberally adorned with aluminum foil, particularly in some interesting headgear.

Ah, thought I, there's some sort of student Halloween joke going on. I entered the line and possessed myself of patience. I observed boxes of foil being passed around. Then a sweet young thing handed it to me and told me to put some on my head.

Um, ok?

Then she explains that I get a free burrito if I do so. Sounds too good to be true, but hey, I'll join in the fun.

Lo! It's for real. So I humiliated myself for free food. I'd feel more guilty if I didn't eat there all the time.

I just find myself wondering if they ran out of food, because the kids in line behind me were doing some major cell phoning to let all their friends know about it and there was line out the door by the time I left.

Algebra, or rather my ability to learn it, sucks. More and more often I am sitting there with my jaw on my chest and looking blank. Six more class nights, oy.

I got the Take Home Test from Hell back, and actually managed to eke out a 75. I passed. It is enough. Actually, I am not displeased because the one problem for which we did not have a multiple choice answer and had to work out ourselves, I got right. As I told the prof last night, I'm prouder of my C's in this class than my A's in English

And next week we get our last take home test before the final ...

7:12 a.m. - 2005-11-01


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