terrshee's Diaryland Diary


I'm Getting Old and it Shows

A kidna weird afternoon.

I left work full of aspirations to get much done before I leave for Pennsylvania tomorrow morning. My mood was upbeat and my can-do was high.

Top of the list was washing the filthy car.

I have now realized that the car has passed the cusp of looking ok for its age to the stage of where I'm not going try to pretend its pretty anymore. It just has to last two years. Its a shame, 'cause I like this car a lot.

The car was clean and that was what was supposed to happen. What was not supposed to happen was upon pulling out of the car wash place, dum dum dum, the "Check Engine" light came on. Didn't this happen to me a couple of months ago before heading up to Mom's?

I zipped home and called Ye Olde Carre dealership. They could fit me in this afternoon. Cool.

I headed up there with all my algebra books in tow to do my homework while waiting. Bleh, but productive. I find out I've forgotten the actual problem list, but hey, I can get started.

However, the nice service people managed to get my car done in under an hour. The problem? The computer needed a software fix. It was under warranty, so was free. That part was good.

I managed to take the back way home where I always get lost, except this time I didn't. Hooray! Avoiding Friday 4:00 p.m. traffic on I-95 is always good for the blood pressure.

I stopped by the nice little organic market on the way home where I have an aging panic moment.

There's this one cashier. He's GQ gorgeous without the glossy finish. And very pleasant, and seems to remember me and speak to me in a friendly manner.

Ten years ago he might have flirted, just a little. Now I'm just the older lady who's allergic to wheat.

I can't help but wonder if I'm going to go through my declining years having my reptile brain react to cute boys before my frontal lobes realize all they are gonna see is some old lady who still has good teeth.

It's very discouraging.

Anyway, I got home early enough to still get most of my list out of the way, love the cats a bit and and stare at my homework. I think I'll go vacuum something instead.

6:14 p.m. - 2005-11-04


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