terrshee's Diaryland Diary


I Used to be Competent

Okay, so the cat has now come out of the litter box and won't leave me alone. Technically this counts as an improvement.

I've got most of the movers' wrapping job undone (and they would have done Shelob proud) so the furniture could be place in approximately its final position, if the boxes were just out of the way.

I still have no use of the kitchen (too many unpacked boxes); the phone lines are still dead and I can't find the charger for my cell phone; the furnace wasn't working yesterday (an emergency call to my realtor found a workman, thank the gods it was warm), I found out one of the balcony doors blows open in a high wind (won't properly close because a cable wire used to run under it, so it is now off true); the car is making unpleasant insulation-burning smells; and settlement on the sale of my old place is now canceled for today and we're putting it back on the market. Under necessity I came into work this morning and found a pile of e-mail that most consisted of either utterly foul spam or notes from my boss's boss on why hadn't I approved the final form of some project I have no control over.

I am now going to take a deep breath and call up the remnants of my sanity. It will all work out. I will get what needs to be handled here at work done this morning. I will then go to the realtors office and sign whatever paperwork needs to be done to get the new place on the market. I will then go to the local Merchant's Auto and Tire and find out what is wrong with the car. I will then go home and unpack as much as I can tonight. Tomorrow morning the cable guy comes to hook up the TV. Tomorrow afternoon I will relax a bit, then unpack as much as I can. Sunday I will come into work and just deal, one thing at a time. Monday Verizon will connect my phone and DSL. It will all work out.

I used to be compentent, what happened?

7:03 a.m. - 2005-01-14


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