terrshee's Diaryland Diary


The Cats are Still Discontent, Me Less So

Another bad night with Madame Mao lamenting her fate. However, I think removing her comforts yesterday may have been the right action. This morning when I when to comfort her she was already past the bottom of the stairs and into the entertainment area. We did our morning rituals (barely) in the living room and were fortunately uninterrupted by the Gray Intruder. She even managed to make it as far as the kitchen uncoaxed, but was too nervous to eat. I hope, hope, hope we have turned the corner, so to speak, and she'll be more present downstairs now.

Doubtless all progress will be erased when the new furniture arrives today. The environment will be violated! Still, this is the last thing that is outstanding from the start of the move. I guess I will finally be truly settled in and able to move on to the next level of homeowner discontent.

It is going to be a strange day. I'm in at work, then I have to go home for the furniture delivery, then I have to come back because I have the first part of a series of murder mystery lectures tonight. I'm not a huge mystery fan, although I enjoy them, but I do want to be a writer someday (how many days have I left? better get started soon) and one of the books I want to write has murder and the discovery of murder in it, so ... Anyway, I get to stay late for the lecture, go home and sleep, and then turn around to come back to the office. I feel like I get an extra day's commute in there somewhere. Bleh. I'm ready for another month's vacation.

I suddently realized I'm hungry and need breakfast. Did the gods ever bless us with anything so fine as breakfast foods? Eggs, scrapple, donuts, orange juice, decent coffee? It makes it worth getting up in the morning.

6:57 a.m. - 2005-05-11


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