terrshee's Diaryland Diary


No Power

Last evening I got a phone call from Keilyn who was busy being bored on a very slooow train due to mechanical difficulties. While we were conversing the conductor announced they would be staying at the next stop until the problem was fixed. Since I live quite close to that station, I offered to pick her up and see her home.

Timing is everything. It was just before the tremendous storm hit that I left. I managed to encounter it en route. I got to the train station without injury in spite of a few downed trees and non-functioning traffic lights. K was drenched when I found her, but otherwise unharmed. We got to her house safely while evading a few similar hazards, then I got back home safely. So much for adventure.

The power was out when I got back, and has remained out until now. Blessedly the temperature had dropped 10 degrees, so a night with no fans was at least bearable.

However, I am greatly annoyed because I stocked up the 'fridge on Sunday with perishables and the freezer with bargains from the Safeway yesterday. I fear my savvy shopping will go for naught. I did get up early enough to hit the local 7-11 and get a bag of ice, which is now split between freezer and 'fridge. Interestingly, the outage appears to be only in the block for my condo complex and the park across the street. Anyway, I hope the power is back soon. I really don't want to spend my afternoon off tomorrow cooking to try to save what can be saved from the freezer. It is way too much for me to eat anyway.

And I hope I remembered to prop open the door to the bedroom. Apparently the wind blew it closed yesterday, trapping Paddywhack in the bedroom until I got home. Poor kitty, she was a wreck when she finally came out of hiding. She's not so fond of thunder either, so it was all quite traumatic. And Mao Mao has found her courage and demanded her place in the bed, so Paddywhack was dispossessed last night as well. I expect we're entering a new phase of hostilities. Sigh. They are sweet puss cats, now why can't they be friendly puss cats?

I spoke with Mom last night as well. She sounds ok, but I think the treatment is beginning to take its toll. She's developing skin problems and is easily tired. I won't know the whole until I get up there. Soon. I must go soon.

6:32 a.m. - 2005-07-28


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