terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Starting a Scroll, Oh My!

I've started the undersketch for Celynen's Pearl scroll. Darn, but it has been long and long since I've attempted a scroll, and even longer since I've done one for someone I actually know, much less really want to like the finished product. Ususally I just grind out blanks for the kingdom and 99% of the time I never know who ends up with one. Make that 99.9%. I can remember one person in the last five years coming up to me and thanking me. I attribute this mostly to the fact that no one knows who I am anymore. ;-) Anonymity has its benefits.

In any case, I've tried to pick a style that goes with the scripts KnitGeek knows (batarde in this case). It's a 15th C English style that is simple enough not to tax my skills and elegant enough to still qualify as spiff. I could wish to reciprocate on the gorgeous Golden Dolphin scroll, but will have to settle for workmanlike and heartfelt.

The A/C appears to be functioning again. I had a conversation with my brother last night that clicked on something the repairman said last time he was here. So I tried a different filter. Sometimes better is not good. The better quality filters don't allow as much air flow, therefore my poor overtaxed unit couldn't keep up. So I got the El Cheapo ones, and Lo! Cool air not only floweth, but hath continued to floweth all day long. Of course this may not last when the weather turns warmer, but one can hope.

The good part is that the condo is cool and comfy and I can work up in Dog's Nest without sweating all over my art. The bad part is that the cats have livened up and gotten bored because they can't go out on the balcony and chitter at the birds.

At least I'm not alone in being a Firefly fan. And, somehow, I'm not surprised at the result. Anyone for an opening day expedition to the movies in September? ;-)

You are Simon, the young, brilliant doctor. Your
devotion to your sister drove you to part with
the world you knew. Raised on a civilized
planet, you are not used to coping with the
situation you have landed yourself in - though
you seem to be adapting well enough to suggest
robbing a hospital.

Which Firefly character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

7:36 p.m. - 2005-08-09


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