terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Love Never Faileth; Yeah, Right.

The weekend ended on a tough note. As I've mentioned before, a couple I know are experiencing problems and things look very rocky indeed for them. I was trying to help the wife with a few things Sunday, and she's clearly deeply distressed. It makes me terribly sad, because on some level it seems so unnecessary. They're both decent enough, if flawed like all human beings. The stuff from which a marriage is made is there, but can it be repaired?

I am fortunate in that I know a number of happily married people. One is tempted to ask, "What is your secret?" But of course the answer is that it is unhappy marriages that harbor secrets. Good marriages are private matters, but an outsider can easily see the kind of respect that goes into their success. The marriage is about the persons, not the circumstances.

When I lived up in the Boston area, almost everyday I passed a church which had an inscription over the door that said "Love Never Faileth." I had moved there for love, so it seemed in some sense prophetic, and then later reproachful. I suppose the reference to be to the love of God, but being the secular creature I am, it makes me wonder about the love of humans.

Love, real love, I think does not fail. It's just rare we actually allow ourselves to enter into it. It takes becoming a real adult to set aside ego, and wholly dedicate yourself to the wellbeing of another, to compromise and find satisfaction and even pleasure in a corporate existence. While it looks hard, I have a feeling the hard part lies in resisting and clinging to one's old life. The happiest people I know live an alliance with one another. And I think that is how it should be.

Love never faileth, but how often we fail it.

Mom is very well, all things considered and I was glad to spend a little time with her on Saturday. The TV and DVD/VCR transfer has taken place to the satisfaction of all involved. My siblings are praising it as a generous act. Yeah, right. Mom gets a used TV and I get to indugle myself. I don't feel any too virtuous. ;-)

9:32 a.m. - 2005-08-15


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