terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Post-weekend Fu

Does it ever happen to you that have have to make a long term, concentrated effort to get through something, and then when it is done, your brain can't seem to focus anymore?

I spent a good bit of the weekend out of sorts because I couldn't shake the feeling that I was supposed to be doing something. Of course it is just the holdover from 14 weeks of algebra torture. But it also means that my ability to priortize and attack is shot, at least for a bit.

I did finally get around to one thing; I've got some spare furniture that's too good to toss, but bulky enough I don't want to store it. Keilyn suggested trying the Freecycle boards on Yahoo. So late yesterday I listed my old iron bedframe and an entertainment center that has a long history of being cursed at by everyone who has ever had to move it, starting with KnitGeek. Responsive, the board is. I just got the first bite on the bedframe. I kind of hate to let it go; there's a few good memories of evenings spent sitting on it and chatting with small groups of dear friends. (The tale of the magic floating bean dip is one of them.) But I am by nature a destroyer, so go it shall. I put no trust in ever needing it in the future, and I abhor hanging on to things for the sake of maybes and mights.

I did have an excellent lunch at the Silver Diner with Keilyn and Ormswyn on Sunday and caught up a bit on Pennsic doings. I find a slight (very slight) feeling of regret I didn't go. Next year, almost for certain.

I've decided it is time to get more active in the SCA again. I've got to dig up the date of the next barony meeting. I hope it doesn't cause me to go screaming back into the night again. ;-)

And I've cancelled my class for next Atlantian University, with much regret. My Mom's surgery will be in a few weeks, and I'd rather make sure I'm available to her without the nagging conversation in the back of my head about can I go or not. I've got enough to deal with. But February for sure.

9:23 a.m. - 2005-08-22


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