terrshee's Diaryland Diary


A Good Monday, So Far

It is a Monday at which I am not at work. Such a blessing. It is not like I don't have a flexible schedule or lots of time off. But any day you don't have to pay attention to the alarm clock has a special quality.

My little housewarming yesterday was little, but that was fine. The chili was all eaten, my guacamole praised and demolished (after it made it out of the fridge where I had forgotten it), and the chocolate truffles were so good. However, I am awash in desserts, and this is a Bad Thing (TM). However, my condo was admired. I got the best compliment when a friend looked at the bedroom and asked if I had a designer do it. Can't say I mind that kind of strokes to my ego. My only real disappointment was the inability of my family to attend. But that's ok under the circumstances.

Anyway, that is now off my mental to do list.

I've started adding entries to LibraryThing. I like it. It is easy to use and is providing a nice substitute to playing computer games. When I have 15 minutes to kill I can just pull a pile of books off a shelf and start entering.

One feature I would like to see is some sort of value estimator. Wouldn't it be cool if it could scan the various bookselling sites and come up with an apporximation? One of my worries is that I've got a few (not many) rather hard to find books that were not cheap. I'd like to have some sort of guesstimate for insuring them.

The activity does, however, make me think I need to do a reorganization of the shelves. I tend to file things organically and my collection isn't so big that I can't find what I need. But still, it would benefit from the application of something other than internal logic.

7:29 a.m. - 2005-10-10


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