terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Monday, Crappy Monday

The return to work after a 3-day weekend and being up late for algebra last night was not pretty.

It became clear that my usual early morning companion wasn't here (it wasn't on the assignment calendar, but he's out for a few days). Then the editor who is supposed to get in a little after 8:00 a.m. called to say she would be late. This happens with a fair amount of frequency, but at least she calls. The other editor, who used to come in around 8:30 has been clocking in around 9:15 in the past few weeks since he moved out to the 'burbs. It would not tick me off nearly so much if they would just tell me their skeds had changed, but the assumption is that I'm here and I'll cover. Which is fine if I don't have anything else to do, but which is nearly never.

Anyway, I whined to my boss this morning, hopefully in a reasonable manner. He's a great soother of ruffled feathers, but did concede that I had a point. So with luck he will speak quiet words of reason to the others and I won't be so aggravated. I am willing to accept changes, I'm just not willing to sit out of the loop while others do as they want and ignoring me in the process. What's the phrase? It is always easier to ask forgiveness than to get permission? But when you're the first domino in the line, you don't get that luxury.

I do have an appointment with a career counselor next week and I'm really looking forward to it. I feel a great need to get my priorities and ambitions in order. It has been clear that I need direction for a while, and this guy comes highly recommended. If I follow my financial planner's timetable, I will be retiring in 17 years. I'd like them to be good years, productive and rewarding, not some exercise in frustration and endurance.

The question is, do I tell my boss about this? It isn't like I'm planning an immediate exodus, and there have been hopeful signs of more interesting work in the near future. But I'd like him to understand I'm serious about making changes and moving on. Although I'm pretty sure he knows that. Maybe afterward, if there is some positive action I can request.

There was something on the Atlantian Laurel list about a Laurel Pentathalon at the next arts festival in the spring. I feel a slight tug of interest. But do I have five things I would like to explore? And time?

10:59 a.m. - 2005-10-11


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