terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Book List

I think the pleasure of a good book will be one of the last to leave me. I love the one-sided conversation with an author who knows his/her stuff. I love pictures and illustrations that illuminate the text. I love the whole feel of curling up in bed with a cat by my side and a open book waiting to be discovered or savored anew. The world goes away and I am lifted out of myself. Bliss.

I am in the process of preparing a reading list for my trip to England. I cannot even think of leaving home without a stack to take me through the tedium of travel. Suggestions are welcome and actively solicited, if you care to offer them.

It does seem harder to find intelligently written fiction these days. As I look over what I have read in recent years, the non-fiction has begun to dominate by a substantial margin. Are my tastes less trivial, or are there simply fewer good books?

I am currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. No surprise considering my taste for the better of the vampire genre and it is far superior to most of the garbage out there. It remembers that vampires are monsters, not romanticised decandent nightlife affcianados. Someday I may get around to writing my own little idea for such a novel. It is all in my head, waiting for the right moment. Is there ever a right moment? I think it is like having children, you do it because you want to, because you must, not because it is convenient.

The visit with the career counselor yesterday was quite upsetting, in a good way. It is making me examine some of my assumptions about myself, and I'm finding I'm better at a number of things than I thought. The skills that I would have put first have in fact become secondary to other accomplishments. I am discovering that in a peculiar way, I am powerful and that I am capable of wielding that power, should I choose to. It kind of goes against my nature, but perhaps it will help me to win through to a job that is more in accordance with my true self.

Drat. I hate it when that happens.

9:55 a.m. - 2005-11-17


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