terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Random Long Weekend Thoughts

I am extremely thankful for a few days off. Even going into work for a few hours this morning isn't much of a burden since it is by choice and no one else will be there to disturb my peace and quiet. It is amazing how much work can get done when there are no phones ringing or TVs blaring or people blustering about their various sports obsessions. Now if I can just get out of the Christmas party next week ...

The four month old DVD-R went on the fritz this week. It will play prerecorded DVDs fine, but put in a blank and it freezes up. The people at the store were exceedingly nice when I took it back and gave me no problems about shipping it out for service. But that leaves me without a DVD player for a few weeks. While I dislike missing Medium, Bones and House, I can always catch them in reruns. (Suddenly I wonder if I have an unconcious preference for television shows with one word titles?)

Anyway, I realized I can't do without my exercise videos that long. So I thought about it and came to the conclusion Target might have an El Cheapo brand DVD player that I could justify. I can't believe it, but there was a no-name space-saver DVD player for under $35. I can handle that. It works fine and if it lasts three weeks, well, it is hardly more costly than going to the movies three times. Does it ever strike you how out of whack what things do and what they cost can be?

Sometimes I can tap into the zeitgeist. I went to Home Depot yesterday. I have been thinking about getting some of that film you put over your windows in the winter to help mimimize leaks. I was further motivated by the fact that it has been cold enough that I'm wandering around the condo in wooly socks and sweaters and still feeling chill.

Everyone else in the world seems to have the same idea. There were four cartons for window insulation kits on the shelf and one kit in all of them. Yow. Guess I'm not the only one worried about my heating bills.

Must get back to the dreaded algebra homework. Ugh. Three more class nights and the final. Will she make it?

6:41 a.m. - 2005-11-27


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