terrshee's Diaryland Diary


Compliments and Retractions

Yesterday I got a nice compliment from my boss in front of everyone in the context of other people taking off during the holidays. Basically he said if they could spare me next week then surely nothing was too tough for the rest of them to handle. It is good to think one is valued, even in some respect essential.

Then I made the mistake of checking my work e-mail over the course of the evening. My boss' boss' boss is apparently rabid that there has been no visible progress on the project I was assigned last November. Forget that no one is actually in charge, no deadlines were set, no requirements drawn up or any sort of formal team in place. Forget that the key person isn't actually in our company and has a lot of other demands on his time. Forget that I have been sending regular progress reports to everyone involved and trying to get responses on their contribution.

How do I educate people with no IT background on what it takes to do an IT project? Argh!!!! My boss doesn't really understand, but at least he is willing to listen. More Argh!!

Having next week off is looking better and better.

Do a little Solstice Dance! The darkest day of the year is past, and in time brighter days are ahead. As I have noted before with great banality, the coldest days are leavened with a little more sunshine. It is what gets me through.

I'm ready for Christmas, I think. I made the Costco run last night to restock a few vital items, hit the organic food market for a few others, and now can contemplate a very quiet day at home with the fur-bearing ones once I get home from Pennsylvania.

I had lunch with an acquaintance earlier this week and I could tell she was sad about not going somewhere other than her home for Christmas dinner in spite of having children and plenty to do there and at her church. And I'm simply grateful for an opportunity to stay at home, quiet and comfortable among my books and art and computer and kitties.

I think for some holidays must be a way to prove to themselves that they are connected and loved; the bustle and extra noise and attention are pleasing. I guess I'm just not the sharing type, or at least when tradition and society are sending out messages that I'm supposed to be. But then, I'm an anti-social soul crusher, I am. ;-)

Tonight I shall try making marizpan for the first time. Or rather, I shall try putting high-class commercial almond paste into molds and than applying food coloring. Edible refrigerator art, here I come.

8:17 a.m. - 2005-12-22


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