terrshee's Diaryland Diary


You're Getting Sleeeepy

I am in XML for the Web training for the whole week at a location other than the office. While I am profoundly grateful for the break from Heck, I am starting to remember the power being in a classroom has over me.

I tend to get sleeeepy.

It has little to do with the instructor (although a good one helps a lot). Not to brag, but I just tend to get things faster than most other people and the effort it requires to be attentive when I'm ready to move on is one of the biggest soporifics I know.

And it is my almost universal experience of tech training that the amount of time allocated vastly exceeds the amount of material to be covered. Thus, boredom sets in. It is a pity that contractural obligations prevent them from saying, "We have x amount of material to cover. If we get through it, then go home or back to work or whatever."

However, I may be in a little over my head on this one. I'm pretty sure I'll get the XML part, but applying it to the Web? May be more technical than I'm currently prepared to handle.

The gods be thanked that this is already paid for and reimbursement is in no way connected to outcome. ;-)

... Two hours later, and I am already bored beyond belief.

...Four hours later and I cannot believe that the guy sitting next to me does not even know how to save a file in Notepad as a different type or create a new folder on the C: drive. What does he think he will get out of this class? Or is he here because he was told to be here? And I have to be nice to him because he works in an office at a government agency of which my new company has grave need to be on good terms.

At least the teacher is reasonably cool and we've had a pleasant chat at lunch. And he says we have x amount to cover per day and if we are done early, we are done early. So that is not so bad after all.

Now if the woman sitting behind me would stop talking to herself and/or making cell phone calls, I might survive without offending anyone, but the temptation to tell her to show some manners may overcome me.

...Six hours in and I am ready to start a caffiene drip. I have now fallen asleep twice, although not so obviously as the guy who put his head down on his desk and made mild snoring noises. I feel bad for the instructor, but he knows it isn't him, but the glacial pace at which we are proceeding, at least for about half the class.

8:04 a.m. - 2006-07-24


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